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World Steel Association posts crude steel production results for October 2015-Asian Metal




World Steel Association posts crude steel production results for October 2015-Asian Metal
LONDON (As ian Metal) 24 Nov 15 - The World Steel Association has announced another drop in year on year production of crude steel in their latest monthly report. October 20 15 saw crude steel production fall by 3.1% in comparison to the same month in 20 14 . Over the year so far, production has been reduced by 2.5% in comparison to the same period in 20 14 . Capacity utilisation is currently at 68.3%, compared to 69.3% in September 20 15 and 71.7% in October 20 14 . Production in most maj or market has fallen, bar a few exceptions . In the European Union Germany and Poland both saw year on year growths of 2.7% and 7.6% res pectively, with the rest of the maj or markets seeing a drop. France (20.9%), Italy (8.6%), Spain (3.1%) and the UK (4 .8%) all endured decreases . The European Union as a whole saw a 3.8% drop, whereas outs ide of the EU Turkis h production increased by 2.0%. On the global markets there were decreases in Russ ia (2.4%), Canada (7.2%), the United States (8.8%), Brazil (2.3%), Iran (4 .4%), China (3.1%), Japan (3.8%) and South Korea (5.6%). There were a few s uccess stories , with Ukraine (6.4%), Mexico (8.0%) and India (4 .9%) all seeing an increase in production.